Minimally Invasive Dentistry
Minimal intervention dentistry in Harley Street London
The dental team at 77 Harley Street practise “minimally invasive dentistry”. This principle is designed to achieve the best standards of oral health without significant dental intervention:
- It performs the least amount of dentistry needed to address the dental need
- It only removes the minimal amount of the natural tooth structure needed to facilitate the corrective dental procedure that is required
- It relies on selection of the most appropriate materials that conserve the maximum amount of natural tooth structure, even where these may cost slightly more
- It uses trusted dental materials that have been researched and approved by leading dental institutions and research organisations
- It uses only the most resilient and longest-lasting dental materials to reduce the need for future replacement.
- It uses dental procedures designed to minimise the number of patient appointments.
- It uses only laboratories that follow similar principles i.e. dental restorations built with minimally invasive materials.
Experience tells us that we can provide the best levels of dental care by diligently following the principles of minimally invasive dentistry.